In one corner will be the 42nd President of the United States,William Jefferson Clinton. In the other corner will be the 43rd President of the United States, George Walker Bush. In the middle will be a moderator to keep what is billed as "a conversation" civil. Oh please let it be Peter Mansbridge.
While ticket prices haven't been set for this rumble this historic event is priceless. The stage is the historic Metro Toronto Convention Centre. This presidential rumble joins auto shows, trade shows, NHL Award Shows and Canadian Idol in the storied facility. Imagine being able to hear Clinton drone on for 45 minutes about foreign affairs, while gingerly avoiding talking about getting a blow job in the oval office. Think of listening to W. mispronounce words while he avoids talking about torture or how he screwed up the economy, the war, the constitution and everything but Monica Lewinsky. Watch as these two titans of American History completely avoid debating each other on issues they fundamentally disagree on. All the while you will be listening and thinking about how much you or your company paid for the ticket and the tax write off you will receive.
Just being near the facility while the Secret Service jams up traffic and tramples on the civil liberties of Torontonians heading to work will make this event one that will be talked about for hours. How can you miss this event?
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